Iowa Composers Forum

Carillon Composition Competition 2017 – Iowa State University Department of Music (August 15)


Iowa State University Department of Music & Theatre is proud to announce the Carillon Composition Competition 2017.

The purpose of the competition is to encourage the writing of original carillon compositions by young composers under age 35. Prize includes one cash award of $500.

The submitted work shall be an original composition for dance, and for four-octave carillon (tenor C to C4), with two-octave pedal board (C-C2). The composition may be a solo, a duet for one carillon or a work for carillon with one or more other instrument. Submitted composition must be postmarked no later than August 15, 2017.

For more information, visit the web: http:// OR contact the University Carillonneur at Iowa State University, Department of Music & Theatre, 149 Music Hall, 2427 Union Drive, Ames, IA 50011; Phone: (515) 294-2911; E-mail:


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This article was written on 01 May 2017, and is filled under Uncategorized.